The Bridge Group Parish


Nackington   Lower Hardres   Bridge   Patrixbourne   Bekesbourne

Services in The Bridge Group Parish

Services in The Bridge Benefice


Service details and readings for October 2024


27th October

Last Sunday after Trinity

(Bible Sunday)

Job 42.1–6,10-17; Psalm 34.1-8,(19-22);

Hebrews 7.23-28; Mark 10.46-52


10am Communion at St Mary’s Lower Hardres



Service details and readings for November 2024

3rd November

4th Sunday before Advent /


All Saints (1st Nov) /




All Souls (2nd Nov)

Hebrews 9.11-14; Mark 12.28-34 /


Isaiah 25:6-9; Revelation 21:1-6a

John 11:32-44






9am BCP Communion St Mary’s, Nackington

*Please note the change of time from 8am to 9am



10am Songs of Praise St Peter’s Bekesbourne




6pm Choral Evensong (Come and Sing from 4pm) at St Peter’s Bridge

10th November

3rd Sunday before Advent /

Remembrance Sunday

Jonah 3:1-5,10;

Psalm 62:5-12;

Hebrews 9:24-28;

Mark 1:14-20


Alternative readings for Remembrance Sunday may be used

10 am Communion at St Peter’s Bridge (Parade Service with Act of Remembrance at 10.50)


10am Remembrance Service at St Mary’s Nackington followed by Wreath laying at the War Memorial


10.45 Wreath Laying at the War Memorial in Lower Hardres


Monday 11th November



11am Remembrance Service with Year 6 from Bridge School at St Mary’s Patrixbourne


10.50 for 11am Act of Remembrance at the War Memorial at St Peter’s Bekesbourne


Saturday 16th November



4-6pm Messy Church at Bridge School


17th November

2nd Sunday before Advent

Daniel 12:1-3
Hebrews 10.11-14(15-18)19-25;
Mark 13.1-8


10am Traditional Sung Holy Communion at St Mary’s Patrixbourne


24th November

Christ the King / Sunday next before Advent


Daniel 7.9-10,13-14; Revelation 1.4b-8;

John 18.33-37


10am Parish Communion at St Mary’s Lower Hardres





Advance Details Services for December and Christmas 2024

1st December

Advent Sunday


9am BCP Communion St Mary’s, Nackington

*Please note the change of time from 8am to 9am


10am Songs of Praise St Peter’s Bekesbourne


6pm Choral Evensong (Come and Sing from 4pm) at St Peter’s Bridge


8th December

2nd Sunday of Advent


10 am Parish Communion at St Peter’s Bridge


Friday 13th December



6pm Community Carols at St Mary’s Lower Hardres


Saturday 14th December



4-6pm Messy Church at Bridge School


15th December

3rd Sunday of Advent


10am Traditional Sung Holy Communion at St Mary’s Patrixbourne



Friday 20th  December



7pm Carol Service St Mary’s Patrixbourne


22nd December

4th Sunday of Advent


10am Parish Communion at St Mary’s Lower Hardres


7pm Carol Service at St Peter’s Bridge


Tuesday 24th December

Christmas Eve


3pm Christingle Service at Bridge

5pm Christingle Service at Bridge


10pm Christmas Eucharist Nackington


Wednesday 25th December

Christmas Day



9.30am Christmas Communion St Peter’s Bridge


11am Christmas Carol Service St Peter’s Bekesbourne


29th  December

1st Sunday of Christmas


10am Benefice Communion at St Mary’s Nackington


5th January




10am Benefice Communion Service at St Peter’s Bekesbourne