We always welcome enquiries for Baptism at any of our churches, which is the service by which a child or adult is welcomed as a member of the Christian Church. The Church of England website explains more about Baptism as a child and as an adult.
If you would like to find out more, or to arrange a baptism, then please contact Rev Estella Last on estellalast@gmail.com or 01227 206272
All our churches are beautiful ancient buildings and we always offer a warm welcome to couples who seek to be married in one of them. To be married in a Church of England Church there are certain criteria that couples have to meet.
A couple can marry in this church if they are both EEA nationals and one of them:
If none of 1-7 applies, they can still marry in this church if:
As we are a Benefice, once qualified, you can marry in any one of the five churches within the Bridge Benefice.
The Church of England Weddings website explains more on marrying in a Church of England Church https://www.churchofengland.org/life-events/weddings
For more information please contact the Benefice Administrator at bridgeoffice23@gmail.com or 01227 206272